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Exploring South Maui

Maps, Directions, and Information Guide

South Maui - Beaches, Towns and Attractions

Exploring South Maui with maps, directions and information can help make your Hawaiian trip a pleasant experience. The links to the right will help select the best beaches and attractions available in south Maui. also use the Best Maui Beaches, snorkel guide and Maui in 10 days for helpful hints and tips.

The South Shore is a popular destination in Maui, offering the largest variety of beaches suited for snorkeling , swimming, surfing, relaxing, kayaking or hiking. South Maui is comprised of three main areas from north to south - Kihei, Wailea-Makena, and South Makena.

The main town Kihei has plenty of restaurants, bars and shopping venues. The Kihei area is known for its affordable condos and moderately priced hotels, making it popular for families and those on a budget. Kihei's many beaches offer an abundance of activities for the whole family. The south end has a Farmers Market with a lot of good fresh fruit & vegetables. You also find some souvenirs but further north on the right you will find a swap meet with plenty of treasures. Kihei Beaches to explore include Sugar Beach to the north, charlie Young and the Kamaloe Beaches downtown and Kewakapu (Wedding Beach) to the south.

The Wailea - Makena area located south of Kihei has the higher end resorts like the Grand Wailea, and expensive homes, including an upscale shopping center. Wailea beaches include ulau, Mokapu, Wailea, Polo and Poolanalana Beaches are great for snorkeling, sun bathing, and other water activities.

The southern Makena area has a few hotels and condos along with rugged with lava shoreline. Makena beaches (with the exception of Big Beach ) are usually less crowded but offer some of the best snorkeling and hiking on the island. You can explore as far suoth as la Perouse Bay with takes you through a lava field, that is like no other place on earth. The Ahihi-Kinau Natural Area Reserve is unique as it contains the youngest reef system in Maui as well as the island’s most recent lava flow. A majority of Ahihi Kinau Natural Area Reserve is closed to the public. However, there are three main areas that are accessible. Waiala Cove , Kanahena Bay , and Moanakala are open to visitors.

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