Kamaole Beaches South Maui

Maps, Directions, Photos, and Information Guide

Beach Ratings

Kamaole Beaches

  • Kamaole Beaches

    Kamaole 2 Surf

  • Kamaole 2 Surf

    Kamaole 2 beach late afternoon

  • Kamaole 2 beach late afternoon

    Kamaole 2 beach late afternoon

  • Kamaole 2 beach late afternoon

    Kamaole 1 Beach

  • Kamaole 1 Beach

    Kamaole 3 Beach

  • Kamaole 3 Beach

    Kamaole 3 Beach

Kamaole Beach The 3 Kamaole Beaches are located in the heart of downtown Kihei. There is plenty of parking, rest rooms, and activities at these beaches, making them popular family desitinations. The sandy shores make swimming easy for all ages. While you can snorkel, there isn't a whole lot to see except around the points that separate the beaches. Don't forget the boogie boards as these beaches can get some good surf in the afternoon. Kamaole 3 is a great spot for sunset pics and late afternoon walks.

  • Directions (from Kihei)
    Head south on South Kihei Rd. The beaches are in downtown Kihei.
  • Parking
    Kamaloe Beach 1 and 3 Have a huge parking Lot. Kamaole 2 has parking slots along the road. While the beach can get crowded, the lots rarely fill up. If they do you can find parking along the road.
  • Restrooms
    There are restrooms, showers and running water at all beaches.
  • Best for
    Great beaches for families, swimming, surfing and relaxing.
  • snorkel Click Here for Kamaole beaches Snorkel Information